Back to the reality...
A late summer vacation is over...
I was back on Monday, 19th, and kept myself busy with work. Here I am finally typing this massage... Sorry for not updating the page during the trip. The internet connection in Tunisia was not very good (only to me?) and I had to give up doing it after a couple of tries.
Anyway, I had a great time and got so much to tell & show!! The photos I took maybe tell more than my words, but I will try to explain about the places I visited and the things I did as much as I can.
I was back on Monday, 19th, and kept myself busy with work. Here I am finally typing this massage... Sorry for not updating the page during the trip. The internet connection in Tunisia was not very good (only to me?) and I had to give up doing it after a couple of tries.
Anyway, I had a great time and got so much to tell & show!! The photos I took maybe tell more than my words, but I will try to explain about the places I visited and the things I did as much as I can.
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