Visavis ---cross cultural lounge

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Happy Halloween 2005

クリスマスに比べ、日本ではまだまだ馴染みの薄いハロウィーン。とは言っても、街中でハロウィーンのデコレーションも見かける事も多くなりましたよね(^_^) ハロウィーンは、アメリカやカナダでクリスマスに次ぐ大きなイベント、大人も子供も思い思いのコスチュームを身に付けて楽しみます。特に子供たちが"Trick or Treat"と言いながら家々を訪ねてお菓子を貰い歩くのは有名ですよね。でも、大人も負けていません!気合の入ったコスチュームで競い合う(?)姿はとっても微笑ましいものです(^^)近い将来には日本でも、飾り付けをした家や仮装して楽しむ人達を見掛けるようになるんでしょうか・・・?

Kids Costumes

Halloween "Trick or Treat" Party

The right next day of the Halloween "Night" Party was the kids party with 30 children with costumes using the black plastic bag!

A friend of mine, Moshisi, showed up and talked about him in front of children.



We had English games, quiz, reading books and even experienced "Trick or Treat" in the neighborhood!


Halloween "Night" Party

Preparations!! Most of decorations were handmade.


スクリーム&チアガール&モシシ    両手に花でご機嫌フランソワ


Violin by Natsuko
&Flute by Ryo-soon

Pregnant cat with 8 tits!?

Everybody was happy & many of them very drunk!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Malaysia  ---マレーシア

The last stop of this trip was Malaysia, visiting some friends there.

I enjoyed tasty, fresh,interesting and CHEEP food there! The first meal was at the Indian restaurant.

Three different kinds of curry, rice, side dishes and chips on a banana leaf. It was only 4MR!! (120yen, $1.00)


A breakfast of pork, looks and sounds heavy isn't it? But it wasn't at all and was actually very good!!


Dragon fruit, I liked it very much(^_^)


Something interesting

There was a little rug shop on a nice street, Coronari, and I saw a guy doing something interesting. He was repairing an antique-silk tapestry type of thing which was from 16th or 17th century...

Rome  --- ローマ

After a short stay in Palermo, I went to Rome by a night train that takes more than 10 hours. Actually the train was 3 hours late for the arrival ...sounds like very Italian!?





Sicily   ---シチリア島

I was wondering where to go after Tunisia but couldn't forget about this island, Sicily, so planed to go there by a luxury liner which stops by Marta also. Unfortunately I couldn't take the ship due to a timetable, then I flew into Palermo for the first time!





Landscape of Tunisia

A narrow path with walls of cactus leads you to a big farm and seaside.
Across the huge field with olive trees and sheep walking around then...

There was a histric ruin where people were living in ancient time .

Luxuriouse houses on the shore facing to the Mediterranean Sea.

Beautiful beach with white sand, unfortunately a cloudy evening...

A unique landscape with lots of caves which uset to be a jail !!

Natural hot spring pours into the ocean.

Wemen there were wearing clothes in the water.

Plus... I thought it was interesting. Snails on the grasses.