Visavis ---cross cultural lounge

Monday, May 01, 2006

April is Gone...

Oh dear, it's already May!

I didn't update this for such a long time. I had been very busy in April and am finally enjoying some free time in this "Golden Week". Some lucky people have 9 days off because of 3 national holidays in a week, plus Saturdays and Sundays.

Not much plans with me except golfing, seeing my friends and some work... But it's already good enough to have time only for myself.

One thing I can write from last month is that I got a new computer. The one I used before was soooo very old, like an antique, and many of my friends were rather amazed about how I maintain things in good condition for such a long time.

Anyway, it's got much easier to do things with my pc now. I will try to write this page more often, otherwise I will be all mouth!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My Friend's Wedding

A friend of mine had a traditional Japanese wedding at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya

They walked through the gate and...

had a ceremony at the main buildig

Just Married Bride & Groom, Congratulations!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Spring is aroung the corner...

Since we'd had such a cold winter in Japan, many people were suffering from cold and flu at least around me. In spite of a preventive injection, I myself had a flu without exception... Oh, yes. I had the worst Valentine's Day in my life...!? Anyway, I didn't have that much high fever because of the shot, and thanks to the strong medicine, it didn't last long. I just wish I lost a good appetite...that could have helped a lot for making one of my resolution happen...

Well, it's getting warmer and that is nice. Nice, but another sufferings ir coming... the allergy season. I am allergic to pollen of cedar and cypress. Today was the very first day in this year that I felt " it's really coming"...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Make long hair short

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Resolutions



その一: きつくなって履けなくなったジーンズを履けるようにする!
その二: 韓国語で会話が出来るようになる!
その三: 筆まめになる!
   久しぶりに短くして首筋が出たので非常に寒い!タートルネック &/Or 首巻が欠かせません。美容師さんが親切にも(?)切り終わった姿を携帯のカメラに収めてくれたので、その写真を何とかプロフィール欄にアップしようと試みた。が、何故かうまく行かないので又の機会に。




PCも携帯電話も、「未だにこんな古いのを使ってるの!?」と皆に驚かれる私ですが、そんな時によく私が言い返す台詞が。「私はアンティークが趣味なんです、オヤジも含めて!」 映画好きの方の中にはピ?ンと来た方も?これは、ある映画の中で主人公の彼女が口にしたフレーズが元なんですが...? その映画のタイトルに心当たりのある方は是非ご一報を(^^)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Leftovers  ---2

To feel warm in a cold weather, more photos from last year...

11月23日は感謝祭の祝日でワイキキ以外どこのお店もクローズ。パブリックのゴルフ場でもプレーできない(>_<)  でも翌日には「アフターサンクスギビングセール」が!クリスマスも同様、この2大祝日前後のアメリカ国内は街も、飛行機も、何処も混み合う。


Monday, January 02, 2006

"Leftovers" from 2005

I am going to add some more photos from last year before I write about my resolutions for this year. I didn't upload enough in December, last year, because I was a little too busy and lazy...

A crater, dry and gray.


To the contrary, so rich in green.

This is my favorite photos of sunset I took in the big island, Hawaii, last November.


Golfing in the big island was Fun! The weather was not too hot, cool wind was coming from the ocean and the golf ball went fast, smoothly and farther. Above all, I had the best score in 2005!!!



Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Big Island of Hawaii

It was the first time for me to go to Hawaii I. and a big surprise to see the black lava everywhere. Even the sand on the beach park was so black and very hot!!!

余りにも寒い毎日で、暖かな気候と眩い陽射が恋しいこの頃。せめて気分だけでも暖かく成れればと常夏の島ハワイの写真をアップ! 真冬の日本を脱出!? 



Monday, December 05, 2005

Snowing hard

It's been a while since the last up... I'd been busy with my work plus I was away from home for a while. (I'm going to write about those days later)

It's been snowing and streets have been covered with snow. I am worried about tomorrow because my car doesn't have snow tires... I will not be able to go out for work with my car tomorrow. Well, we will see.

I just don't feel like it's winter now and already December. Maybe it's because we had such a warm autumn, and also I still have so many things I haven't done in this year...??? However, I've done the Christmas decorations for my office so I guess I am getting ready for finishing this year. In less than three weeks, I will have a winter vacatin. I really look forward to the time I spend for myself!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Happy Halloween 2005

クリスマスに比べ、日本ではまだまだ馴染みの薄いハロウィーン。とは言っても、街中でハロウィーンのデコレーションも見かける事も多くなりましたよね(^_^) ハロウィーンは、アメリカやカナダでクリスマスに次ぐ大きなイベント、大人も子供も思い思いのコスチュームを身に付けて楽しみます。特に子供たちが"Trick or Treat"と言いながら家々を訪ねてお菓子を貰い歩くのは有名ですよね。でも、大人も負けていません!気合の入ったコスチュームで競い合う(?)姿はとっても微笑ましいものです(^^)近い将来には日本でも、飾り付けをした家や仮装して楽しむ人達を見掛けるようになるんでしょうか・・・?

Kids Costumes

Halloween "Trick or Treat" Party

The right next day of the Halloween "Night" Party was the kids party with 30 children with costumes using the black plastic bag!

A friend of mine, Moshisi, showed up and talked about him in front of children.



We had English games, quiz, reading books and even experienced "Trick or Treat" in the neighborhood!


Halloween "Night" Party

Preparations!! Most of decorations were handmade.


スクリーム&チアガール&モシシ    両手に花でご機嫌フランソワ


Violin by Natsuko
&Flute by Ryo-soon

Pregnant cat with 8 tits!?

Everybody was happy & many of them very drunk!!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Malaysia  ---マレーシア

The last stop of this trip was Malaysia, visiting some friends there.

I enjoyed tasty, fresh,interesting and CHEEP food there! The first meal was at the Indian restaurant.

Three different kinds of curry, rice, side dishes and chips on a banana leaf. It was only 4MR!! (120yen, $1.00)


A breakfast of pork, looks and sounds heavy isn't it? But it wasn't at all and was actually very good!!


Dragon fruit, I liked it very much(^_^)
